Opening Studio in Chapel Hill Area

Originally published on May 25, 2014 on
harp lessons

Well, it’s time! Let’s get started and play the harp. I’m opening my own harp studio just outside Chapel Hill, NC in Carrboro. The harp is a wonderful instrument to learn. It sounds beautiful from the very first day! 

In my studio, students have weekly lessons at my home in Carrboro, NC. Lessons are taught on my instruments for 30-60 minutes (no need to bring your own harp to lessons!). Depending on age and size, lessons are taught on my Lyon and Healy Concert Grand, Semi-Grand or Lever Harp. Most young students begin on lever harps. Students practice every day at home to make regular progress and have the opportunity to perform at student recitals. In a supportive environment, students learn about the harp, music theory, repertoire of varying styles, play from memory, and performance techniques. 

One of the first questions parents of new students and new adult students ask, is “where do I get a harp?” Occasionally, a local rental will come available. Or more likely, you can take advantage of Lyon and Healy’s Rent to Own program. 

I began teaching in Boone, NC in January of 2012 and loved it from the first lesson. Sharing the harp with my students is an absolute joy. We spoke about harps, music and dove right into learning the harp technique and applied it to short pieces. My students reviewed reading music, learned a proper harp hand position, basic music theory and music to share with their friends and family. I could not have been more proud when my students played an entire piece of music from memory for the first time. 

Please call or email me straight away to discuss starting harp lessons for yourself or your son or daughter! I cannot wait to meet you and show you the harp.